Most Uncertain Hours

Thursday, September 11, 2003 ::

Today: 40 mins of exercise, including 30 mins challenging cardio and 10 mins weights (hamstrings, quads, shoulders, triceps, chest). Food: 2 Special K bars, 180 cals; coffee w/creamer, 30 cals; 1/3 portion Sausage & Peppers Rustica from the Olive Garden, 300 cals; 1 Yoplait nonfat yogurt, 110 cals; 1 grande nonfat caramel macchiato, 160 cals.Total so far: 810 cals. Remaining for consumption: 690 cals. Update on dinner/evening snack to follow.

3:57 PM :: link

Monday, August 25, 2003 ::

I did good for lunch today. I fixed up a spinach salad last night that had baby spinach leaves, carrots, arugula, tomato, red bell pepper strips, a little cheddar and light Ken's Italian dressing. I ate that with 4 saltines, a Diet Coke and a cup of fat-free yogurt (Apple Turnover - mmm). Having that piece of pizza for breakfast didn't do me any favors, but I figure with tonight's workout I should be OK.

I hope to start an exercise program today that I read about in Shape. It divides exercise into 4 "zones" - one is steady, longer cardio, one is interval cardio, one is strength training and the last one is some kind of unusual exercises that involve rotating a lot and moving from side to side. I may not follow it to the letter, but I figure it can't hurt to try. They always have these little plans in Shape and Fitness and I've always wanted to see if they work.

10:43 AM :: link


This weekend was not my best. We went to TGI Friday's for a mystery shop and had to eat an appetizer, entrees and I had to order 2 cocktails. BUT I managed to not eat everything and walked out of there feeling somewhat OK. On Saturday we had McDonald's (we were scheduled to eat baked fish but Mark nixed it at the last second). On Sunday we had pizza with my aunt. I did manage to work out on Sunday, however (40 minutes cardio). I plan to work out this afternoon. I brought a salad for lunch today and so far have eaten nothing this morning, but had a cup of coffee. I can't decide whether to eat a leftover piece of pizza (combination, so it has veggies) or just have fat-free yogurt.

7:24 AM :: link

Thursday, August 21, 2003 ::

Today I used my lunch hour at 4 and worked out downstairs. 30 minutes cardio, 15 minutes weights (quads, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps, biceps, buttocks). I'm kind of wary of giving up those 10 minutes of cardio, but I figure if I'm gaining muscle then my calorie-burning ability will be more anyway, so it all evens out.

At 10:30 Saturday morning there's a Body Pump class offered at the "real" gym. Since I know I'm probably not doing enough weight-training-wise, I'm going to go and maybe that will do me some good.

Eating-wise I've done OK. I had two pieces of toast this morning and two cups of coffee. For lunch I had leftover Crescent Italiano and then I gave in and had a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar. I haven't had anything else, not even a piece of fruit, since we're going to do a mystery shop at a restaurant tonight.

2:55 PM :: link

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 ::

I worked out for 40 minutes in my company gym today. 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 doing bicep/tricep exercises. I also did some stretching, which felt pretty good. I need to get back into yoga.

11:13 AM :: link
