Most Uncertain Hours

Thursday, August 21, 2003 ::

Today I used my lunch hour at 4 and worked out downstairs. 30 minutes cardio, 15 minutes weights (quads, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps, biceps, buttocks). I'm kind of wary of giving up those 10 minutes of cardio, but I figure if I'm gaining muscle then my calorie-burning ability will be more anyway, so it all evens out.

At 10:30 Saturday morning there's a Body Pump class offered at the "real" gym. Since I know I'm probably not doing enough weight-training-wise, I'm going to go and maybe that will do me some good.

Eating-wise I've done OK. I had two pieces of toast this morning and two cups of coffee. For lunch I had leftover Crescent Italiano and then I gave in and had a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar. I haven't had anything else, not even a piece of fruit, since we're going to do a mystery shop at a restaurant tonight.

2:55 PM :: link

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 ::

I worked out for 40 minutes in my company gym today. 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 doing bicep/tricep exercises. I also did some stretching, which felt pretty good. I need to get back into yoga.

11:13 AM :: link
